New Year, New You?

Next to a glass of fizzy water and some party streamers is a list of new year resolutions which reads 1. lose weight, 2. drink less and, circled in red, 3. manage change better

Focus on the positive outcomes you want, not the barriers in your way!

The New Year is a natural point to take stock of the past and plan for the future. After the excesses of the festive season, it's tempting to focus on all the bad things you should stop doing, but positive changes "stick" better than negative ones - and you're much more likely to succeed with collaboration and support than going it alone.

So make this year the one where you get better at managing change and achieving all your goals!

🤕 Feeling fragile after the festive blowout?
🏔️ Need help identifying tangible, achievable goals?
🤝 Fettle IT offers practical support on a short-term basis


Wishful Thinking?


Freeze, sucker!