Not my knees!

A sloth and armadillo discuss a recent company data breach
The sloth is wishing on the Data Fairy to help when they receive an incoming call
The sloth asks if it's the Data Fairy, but the armadillo informs him that it's the Information Commissioner, who's threatening to break his knees

A large part of running a successful, secure business is simply controlling your data. Letting it run riot leaves you open to loss through inefficient processes, uninformed decision-making, data breaches, and fines. So why do people just cross their fingers and hope for the best? Because they think taking control is complex and, let's face it, boring. But, like any task, once you look at it practically, it's probably easier than you think - talk to Fettle IT - Jargon Free Consultancy for some practical support and anti-procrastinatory pep talks!

#datamanagement #projectmanagement #businesschange #ICO


Feeling a little sluggish?


Can’t see the way forward?