Running out of hands?
When you're working on a project, trying to do it all yourself is tempting
Motivational Team Building
Manage change better with Fettle IT - Jargon Free Consultancy - it's cheaper than therapy and re-recruitment!
Pulling Together?
A good team working in harmony can produce amazing work, but it doesn't happen by itself
Plot a Course for Success
So many projects get blown off course because they don't start out with a clear destination in mind.
Expert Advice
Don't let senior managers lead change projects! The real VIPs are the people who'll be using the end product.
Stay on Target
Businesses spend too much time and money on activities that don't deliver the right outcomes.
Circular Arguments
Don't let your projects get dragged off course by letting everyone have an equal say
Future Imperfect
With your feed overflowing with exciting new tech, it's tempting to dive straight into buying the latest shiny gizmo that promises the earth
Holiday Planning
As the summer holidays hove into view, here's a timely reminder that projects don't exist in a vacuum