Risky Business

A lion roars at a flock of ostriches, most of whom have their heads in the sand apart from one at the back

Here's the unfair thing about risk: doing nothing doesn't keep you safe. People worry about taking action and making mistakes, but the world changes around you, and you must adapt to survive. Whether the change is due to technology, legislation, or market forces, doing nothing isn't an option: you'll get left behind or go extinct.

So how do you make change less risky?

⚖️ Quantify the risks of both action and inaction for a fair comparison. Every scenario has pros and cons: it's rarely "do something and risk it all" versus "do nothing and stay safe"

🔬 Analyse what needs to change and the impact it will have: the more specific you can be, the better your chances of succeeding

👣 Break the change down into manageable steps and learn as you go: the more you know, the better choices you'll make - and the best way to learn is by doing

And of course, talk to Fettle IT about how I can help!

#riskmanagement #businesschange #projectmanagement #pmaas #businessanalysis


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